Google Career Certificate Scholarship Program Application




Welcome to NANBPWC, Inc and Google’s Grow with Google (GwG) initiative, which offers Google Career Certificate Scholarships. This program provides successful applicants with a Scholarship for Google Career Certificates to gain in-demand skills, with no prior experience required.

This questionnaire is only for assessment purposes, and your responses will help us better track your information and assess your suitability for the current scholarship program.

Your responses will remain confidential and will be reported only as part of the group. The results may be used for project data analysis to tailor our support to meet your needs effectively and improve future program delivery.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at 

Please note that you must be 16 years of age or older.

If you consent to participate, please begin below:

What is your age group? (Please check the relevant box)

Which of the following best describes the type of school you are currently enrolled in? (Please check the relevant box)

What is the highest level of education or training you have completed? (Please check the relevant box)

Which of the following options best describes your work status currently? (Please check the relevant box)

How do you identify your gender? (Please check the relevant box)

Would you describe yourself as a person living with a disability (physical or mental)? (Please check the relevant box)

How do you Identify yourself? (Please check the relevant box)

The Google Careers Certificate must be completed within 6 months. Do you commit to finishing the certification within the timeframe? (Please check the relevant box)

Will you have reliable access to a computer and the Internet for the duration of the program? (Please check the relevant box)

Have you ever participated in an online Google certificate training program? (Please check the relevant box)

I confirm:

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